Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Event Management Companies Will Make Your Event A Success Story

It doesn’t matter whether you are planning for an event to acknowledge the hard work done by the company's employees or want to promote the company's sales through event, you will need the help of an event management company. The success of any event depends upon the management of it. Proper and detailed management is not only the key, but also goes a long way in making it a success story. In fact, management is indispensable and you simply can't afford to overlook it. This is the perfect tool which helps you a great deal in the optimum utilization of the resources. If you are planning for an event in that case it makes sense to hire a good event management company.

Event management companies are all over the place, hiring the best is the main thing. Check the background of the company before hiring. And at the same time, try to make as many as holes in their tabled planning as possible, so that the end result should be absolutely the way you wanted it right from the beginning. This detailed discussion will also give you an idea about their expertise and attitude. All over the world event management companies are known for their planning, organizing and directing capabilities, which means before hiring, try to see whether they have these capabilities or not.

The biggest advantage of event management companies are that they make your life easy by taking complete responsibility of making the event a success story that too within the budget. It is a well known fact that they are thriving in today's cut throat business environment because of their planning and of course management skills. Also remember one thing that they are in the business because they know how to spice up your event by intelligently manipulating the resources which they have. No event is too big or small for them because they are professional and at the same time well-equipped to handle any situation. 

Generally people not only think, but also, believe that event management companies are not very receptive towards their ideas and needs. But this is far from the truth. The fact is that they are professional and smart to know that at the end of the day client's satisfaction is the thing they aim at. On the contrary by hiring them you become sure that the whole event will be a hassle free experience for you. In another word it will give you more than enough time to concentrate on the main business of yours. One more thing event companies are famous for its creativity.

Define The Objective Of The Event And Then Plan It To Get Maximum Mileage

Only a detailed and proper planning will make an event a success, which means planning is the main thing. But before that make sure what is the objective of the event and how are you going to achieve that. First of all ask yourself; who is going to attend it, means its business, sales or personal events, etc. After that decide how you can get maximum mileage out of it. Now the question is when you are planning to hold it? And the most important part, the location of the event. In fact location and the timing of the event are very crucial.

Always remember that location should complement the event, which means just don't go for any location because you find it beautiful or something like that. Location of the event should be well connected; in another word convenience of the participants should be the deciding factor. No denying the fact that events planning companies are all over the place and are experts in their field and making event a success is their job.  You want to hire a good event company that is why you think that the events planning company will take care of everything, hence no point in wasting time by thinking all this. In fact event companies are synonymous with quality work.

Hopefully you are not thinking like this, if you are thinking on this line then it is high time for you to change the thought pattern of yours because remember that this is your show, and at the end of the day, the success or failure of it will make an impact either on your business or personal life or relationship. And now the most important thing,  what is the budget of the event, which means get a clear understanding of the event's budget, so that the event management company can plan it accordingly.

Now we are living in a world where conferences, trade shows and events are different tools extensively used by the business people to improve the overall health of the company. There are many corporate houses which also organize internal events. If you are thinking in term of hiring an events planning company in that case only hire those planner who work full time. The reason is simple full timer means they are serious players and hence will be more aware of the events trend. And at the same time, know the nitty gritty of it. Be sure that a professional event planner will not only make your life quite easy, but also, will help you to convey a specific message to your attendees, which at the end of the day is the basic motive.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Dividing Line Between Team Building Ideas And Activities Are Very Thin

A company without a team is like a fish without water, in another word it works as a pillar of the company. A company or organization without a team is simply unthinkable. Team building is not an easy job. This is the reason why companies irrespective of the fact whether they are big or small, use team building activities. There are different types of team building activities, which can help the organization achieve its goal. The challenge is how to make the activities both challenging as well as fun. Try to start the process by communication activities because it goes without saying the communication is the key. It is almost impossible to achieve the goals without a proper communication.

This particular activity should be a complete fun because the basic motive behind this exercise is to break the ice among the team members. Ask some personal as well as general questions, which will give you an idea about their thought process and whether they are fit to work in a team or not. It is human nature to behave differently in social gathering and differently in informal gathering, hence try to make the whole process as informal as possible. Follow communication activities by problem solving exercises. This exercise will help them to understand the importance of team work and how as a team they can achieve anything.

Design the activities in such a way that it should help the team members to realize the importance of communication, problem solving and the importance of mutual trust. Team building activities and team building ideas are inter-related; in fact they are two sides of the same coin. The importance of idea is well known. The basic philosophy behind team building ideas is to improve and build a meaningful relationship, which can withstand the test of time, among the team members. Basically it is all about bonding, sense of belongingness and to know how to avoid setting a personal goal as a team member.

Have you ever wondered why during a national crisis the whole country comes together to fight it out? The answer is simple, sense of belongingness unites them. The same way cultivate the sense of belongingness culture in your organization and see the result. The point is before starting any activity; it makes sense to think about the different ideas which can help you in team building. The dividing line between team building ideas and activities are very thin. Team building activities are all about executing the ideas. In another word the difference is the same which we find in event planner and events coordinator.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Create The Right Buzz At The Right Place Through Your Conference Venue

The dividing line between success and failure is the venue of the events, which means selecting the right conference venues will set the ball rolling. Over the years we have noticed the role played by the venues in the success or failure of the events; hence it makes sense to opt for the best available conference venues for your business or staff meeting. A conference venue not only, projects the right image of the company, but also, creates the right buzz at the right place. The biggest challenge is how to select the right venue for the event, hence while choosing it; make sure that it fulfills the needs and requirements of yours. 

While selecting it make sure that the place is well connected. Besides that, check the parking area also. If connectivity is an issue then all the hard work of yours will go down the drain. Also see the comforts of the space through a critical eye. Generally you will find different facilities in conference venues like, break out area, enough space for food and drinks, etc. There are certain conference venues which don’t provide in-house catering, which means it is your responsibility to take care of it. If the conference is on a big scale in that eventuality make sure that the audio and video equipments are in order, so that you should not have to cut a sorry figure in front of the participants.

Also ensure that the in-house staffs of the venue are well behaved, skilled, cooperative and professional because at the end of the day, it makes sense to put the best foot forward. The success of your conference depends upon the performance of the events management team. You can also hire events management companies, if you have the budget and think that they will add in to your brand value. The biggest advantage of an event planner is that it will reduce the stress of yours because you are sharing your ideas and needs with them and you know that as a professional they are more than capable to make your conference a success.

Another advantage is that it will give you more than enough time to concentrate on the main business of yours. Events Management Company or team thrives on the proper planning and smooth coordination. Also remember that taking care of the petty jobs like lighting and decoration are also their responsibility. In fact right from the planning, designing to execution will be their responsibility, which means you don't have to worry about anything. But before hiring do an extensive research.

Restaurant Guide – Range Of Options

Dining out, in quality hotels and restaurants, barbeque buffet during a grand event or a party, is all quite a great interesting experience for majority of us. The ambience around us would be quite wonderful enough to enjoy the most out of it. Also there is no headache of going back home and cooking something again or to do the house chores. Just go back and hit the bed for the night, is something awesome to experience. Yes, it is why there are plenty of people that love to spend their weekends in the nice hotels and restaurants by their side for dining out.

At the same time, if you are a bit conservative type, and would not want to shell out money just like that then to eat out, in posh restaurants might not be of your kind of choice. The restaurants in Johannesburg are not that less costly to chill out either. Hence, the ideal way is not to miss an opportunity to attend the parties, events, and other kind of ceremonial celebrations that are taking place in the restaurants Cape Town, without fail. Either it be a friendly invitation or a professional obligation or a ceremonial formality, it is good to attend the party for it is completely free. One reason is alone enough.

It is why corporate culture emphasises such dinners for the organisational members once in a while to motivate them as well as to allow them to make merry. When they relax, chill out and mingle with one another during such events, they forget the other issues that are associated towards the office. They tend to go friendly with one another irrespective of the difference of opinions that they might have inside the office. Such events bring in people together and allow them to enjoy the occasion and prove a point there that all are equal and everyone has their role to do and that is all about it. It is quite as simple as that.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Event Planner and coordinator will make your event a success story

Planning as such is a part and parcel of our life, but event planning is a different ball game because event planning is all about taking care of every single detail which starts from concept and ends at event’s grand finale. Only undivided attention from you as an event planner will make your event a success story. As a planner you have to take care of the venue, create invitations and guest lists, catering, transportation, gifts, in fact the list is quite long and unending. Hence, it makes sense to hire an event planner and coordinator.

The basic objective of the event planner is to know the purpose of the event and as a planner what they can contribute in to it. Always remember they closely work with their clients, which means you will be in the loop throughout. They work in a highly organized and systematic way. As a planner they make it a point to understand the complete requirements of the clients and discuss everything in detail, like; location, dates, purpose of the event, number of guests, what about the transportation, catering, gifts, and lodging etc. In fact the success of the events entirely depends upon the planner.

This is why while hiring someone, make sure that he/ she should posses certain qualities like; cool, calm and collected under pressure, has a fine sense of timing and budget management and the most important thing he/she should understand the true meaning of deadline. Generally people claim that they are the best in the business, but it makes sense to cross check the facts. In fact event management companies are all over the place, which means finding an event planner is not an issue. The real issue is whether he/she is capable of pulling it or not, hence cross checking the facts makes sense.

A seasoned event planner generally also works as a coordinator. But the basic difference between a planner and coordinator is that as an event coordinator, it is their duty to see to it that the event is going according to the plan. In another word, they are the people who ultimately make your event a success story. Only correct and detailed planning is nothing, if it is not well coordinated. This is the reason why events coordinator is in demand. Events coordinator is also famous for fixing things at the last moment and the beauty is that nobody will notice it. In a nutshell event planner is the guy who will be doing the most of the planning and on the other hand event coordinator is the executor of the plan.

Team Building Is An Art

Team building is a long drawn process and needs extensive research and planning. It is a well observed fact that nobody can build a successful one over night, mind you, successful team, and at the same time also keep in mind that success doesn’t come by chance. One has to work towards it. Building an effective team is not only a challenge, but also, a huge responsibility for all those people who are involved in the process. The crux of the problem is how to identify the right talent. Identifying the right talent is equal to half won battle.  But before team building, make sure that what are your objectives and how are you going to achieve that through this team either as a team leader or an organization.

The point is there are certain steps, if used properly will help you to build a successful team. The golden rule is, don't rush in to it. Explain the objectives in detail, how are you planning to achieve it and what end result you are expecting from the team. Idea bouncing session can be a good idea to gauge the reaction of the members towards the objectives, and at the same time, it will also give you a fair amount of idea about the commitment level of the members. It is a well established fact that no team can achieve their goal if they are not committed and passionate about the cause.


In another word, a common sense of purpose and well defined roles of theirs will not only unite them, but also, will make the life of the team leader quite easy. It is also the responsibility of the organization to give unconditional support to the team, so that accessing the resources should be uninterrupted. Sharing of thoughts is also important for the team members, which means communication plays an important role in team building. Now it depends upon the team leader whether they believe in private communication or personal. In fact both way of communication has plus and minus.

The important point is that this gesture on the part of the leader will send a positive signal to the members that somebody is out there to solve their problems, if any. We have noticed that in absence of the proper communication even the best team failed to achieve their goals because nobody was around when they (members) wanted to solve their differences and conflicting ideas. One more point, give breathing space to the team member, which means, be flexible in your approach. In a nutshell these team building activities or steps will help you a great deal in your team building process.